Getting down to recovery and movement.

Accelerate recovery through the body's natural healing response

Shockwave therapy | Graston therapy | Gliding Cupping Therapy | Therapeutic Stretching

Familiarize yourself with our Wellness Centre and book a session now.

Nucleus wellness

Our mission is to provide wellness services that tackle general stiffness and muscular pain with different modalities. We utilize:

Graston therapy - β€œscraping out” muscle tension and increasing blood flow using metal instruments

Gliding cupping therapy - increasing tissue mobility

Therapeutic stretching - dynamic and static stretching to maximize range of motion and flexibility

Radial Shockwave therapy - assists with tendonitis issues by sending sound waves into the muscular area

The idea of the clinic was born out of a deep belief that technology could be harnessed to bridge gaps in the traditional therapy process to human connection.


  • Shockwave Therapy is a Radial pressure therapy that is a non-intrusive treatment that helps stimulate tissue regeneration, increases blood circulation, and reduces inflammation, leading to pain reduction and improved mobility through shockwaves. It is a valuable option for individuals suffering from conditions like tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and muscle strains.

    Shockwave sessions include FREE gliding cupping therapy (approximately 15 minutes per treatment area)

  • The Graston Technique is a specialized form of manual therapy that focuses on treating soft tissue injuries and restrictions. It utilizes specially designed instruments to detect and address areas of scar tissue, muscle restrictions, and muscle adhesion. By breaking down these areas, the technique helps improve tissue mobility and function.

    Graston sessions include FREE gliding cupping therapy (approximately 5-8 minutes per treatment area)

  • Gliding cupping therapy is a traditional alternative therapy that involves creating suction with cups and then moving them across the skin's surface. Gliding cupping is often used to alleviate various types of musculoskeletal pain, including muscle tension, stiffness, and soreness. It can provide relief from conditions like back pain, neck pain, and muscle knots.

    Gliding cupping may not be suitable for everyone. People with certain medical conditions, such as skin disorders, bleeding disorders, or open wounds, should avoid cupping therapy. Pregnant individuals and those with certain medical implants, like pacemakers, should also exercise caution.

Graston Technique

$45 per session | 30-minute session

$324 for 8 sessions

$382 for 10 sessions

Free gliding cupping therapy and therapeutic stretching included w/ each session

Shockwave Therapy

$50 per session | 20 minute session

$180 for 4 sessions

$255 for 6 sessions

Free gliding cupping therapy and therapeutic stretching included w/ each session

A peak inside

Abundant healing

Nucleus Wellness is now partnered with Abundant Healing - a center of personalized health & wellness care with complete, in-person, or remote care accessibility options.

Services offered:

  • Deep tissue massage

  • Harmonic Egg

  • Red Light Therapy

  • Reiki

  • Rain Drop Therapy

  • Halotherapy (Salt Room)

  • Vibrational Sound Therapy

  • Foot Soak (Negative Ionic / Magnesium)

  • Ayurvedic Wellness

  • Psychic Readings


  • The acoustic waves generated by Shockwave Therapy promote the body's natural healing process. By stimulating the release of growth factors and increasing metabolic activity in the affected area, Shockwave Therapy can expedite healing and improve tissue regeneration.

  • Shockwave Therapy may cause mild discomfort or a tingling sensation during the procedure. There may be redness, swelling, and slight bruising after the procedure. However, this is usually well-tolerated, and our staff is trained to adjust the correct intensity to ensure patient comfort. The symptoms go away in a couple of days.

    While Shockwave Therapy is effective for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain medical conditions or contraindications, such as pregnancy, bleeding disorders, or the presence of metal implants, may need to explore alternative treatment options.

  • In some cases, the Graston Technique may lead to temporary side effects, such as bruising, redness, or swelling in the treated area. These effects are generally mild and resolve within a couple days.

    While the Graston Technique is beneficial for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional trained in the technique to ensure its appropriateness for your specific condition and health status.

  • All therapies can be used in conjunction with one other, and the individual can incorporate exercise, stretching, and rehabilitation programs on the same day. Our Advanced Package is specially created for utilizing the all-rounded approach.